Sunday 17 May 2009

Fire Alarm in Garden Hall

What a joke!! Fire alarm in Garden Hall blew at this time when everyone is busy with revision. What a disturbance!! HUH!! This incident happened on the 16th May in the afternoon due to overheating of the oven. The heat causes the fire detector to ring. So, everyone in the Garden Hall was forced to leave the building. What a pain in the ass..Everyone is on the opposite side of the road. One of them spotted topless – he was the tough one.

Closer look at those This is a closer look of those who live in Garden hall, what an good relaxation of study-stress.

This is a short video of what will happen to students living in Garden Hall when Fire Alarm in this hall blew on. People start bla bla bla.

Erm tomorrow is my first day of exam.. I am so scared yet still blogging as a form of relaxation.. I need to Gambateh!! and Good luck to everyone in Mechanical Engineering Imperial College London... *back to study mood - Past Years ! Past Years!!!!!!*


The Bloody Stethoscope said...

wakakkakakakakakkakak padan muka

SL said...

ahhaha.. that girl was in the middle of shower?