Sunday 24 April 2011

Exam Stress: Revision Venues

As a student, when is your least favourite time? Well, I bet 99% of the student population will agree with me that it is the exam preparation. Well, not to say it is extremely stressful but managing stress is one issue, finding the right place to study is another issue. I soon realised this morning when I was using the toilet and found out that it was actually a pretty good venue to concentrate when you wanted to understand something difficult. Well instead of poo-ing, you study in it. This might sound ridiculous but let me compare the pros and cons of typical study venue students usually chose:
Venue Pros Cons
Library Quiet
Good lighting
Too many people = extra stress –> distraction
Garden or Park Good lighting and fresh air –> Good for your brain but the weather is uncertain at times. Too many hot boys OR girls walking around during Spring time –> distraction
Home (Your room) Safe time = no need to walk to the college or library You sit in front of a computer and start using Facebook or reading financial news
Home (Dining Hall) Spacious –> Some people find it helpful in revision. Distractions from housemates Smile with tongue out. If you have any..
Toilet Good lighting
No distraction
Quiet and internet free (unless you bring in an iPhone and start Facebook or Angry Bird)
- Depends on your toilet cleanliness- might be smelly
- People might want to use the toilet.
Based on the comparison made in the above table, it seems like Toilet is actually pretty strategic venue to study when you wish to concentrate. Anyway, why on earth am I comparing toilet with other venues? Sigh, Back to revision !!!

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