The Chinese traditional song Performer
The Chinese Traditional music performance was by two female students in this college, Lorinda and Sharon. It was impressive and eye opening to the audience (mainly students and teachers) on that night. The entertainment was followed up with the Chinese traditional dances by 4 female Chinese students.
The Chinese Dances team
Then, the solo dance by the first year student as shown below.
Solo Chinese traditional dances
Not to be missed the performance that I took part which was the short drama. Well as you can see from the picture below, I was acting as one of the Chinese zodiac.
Story continues with the revelation of Nian, the Monster bullying the villagers on new year. One of the way to defeat Nian was by using the fire crackers to scare him away. It works :P and that was why on Chinese New Year, the Chinese will play fire cracker.
The "Nian" is bullying one of the villagers
All the Chinese Zodiac Animals
These were the cute and adorable Chinese Zodiacs that performed on the Oriental Night.The Chinese New Year could not have been so successful without the help and support of all the committees, actors, dancers, and also external assistance from the college and MCA. Thanks to all.