Wednesday, 5 November 2008

London Eye

Last week, I went to London Eye for my 'drawing and design class'. However it turn out to be a vacation to me and to all of my course mates.. I took some of the important picture with will aid me in my sketches and enjoy the ride on London Eye. Here are some of the picture that I would like to share with you people on this cyberspace about my trip on this giant wheel.

This is the London Eye... It looked the same as Malaysia Eye :D

Me and the London Eye behind me. That black coloured book is my Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design sketch book.

These people are queueing for the ride of London Eye.. Tremendous number of human being packed in this area just for the sake of that giant wheel. The queue is surprisingly long and I waited for 30 minutes before my turn..

So this is the ticket for the London Eye ride.. £13.95 x 6 = RM83.70. (wow)

Me and Faiz posing in this fully packed with 'Manusia' capsule:D I am not amazed by the scenery to be frank. What i am fond with is the ride of the wheel and how the wheel move and also the engineering support provided to this very stable London Eye.

The Palace of Westminster and you can see popular "Big Ben" (a giant clock at the right). This picture is taken from the London Eye capsult.

Me again right before I head back to my college.


iamlz said...

Do not convert! -_-lll
and btw, the conversion now is just about least you are not that sakit hati rite? XD

melwy said...

wow, u went up london eye oredi, me and a couple of frens stil 'waiting'... hopefully got discount, huuu
and mechanical engineer like architect too? need to draw summore, so geng...

WoodyBrain said...

Ya lor hor, Why Mechanical Engineer need design and things like this:( somemore very tedious :(